
Thank you for stopping by to perv on my blog, as I fight myself to change my old habits and make new ones to get fit. I don't get it right all the time, but I'm still here and I'm still working at it.

Tamzins Double Dog Dare You Ticker!

My homage to the 14lbs that I lost on Allan’s DDDY Challenges. A watering can for the vast oceans of water that I have learned to drink and love every day.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fat for the Devil!

9 weeks into my blogging and I've lost 6lbs...that is .666lbs a week!!! No wonder I'm struggling, this is the fat of the devil!!! hahahhaha

I've got to get myself sorted out this weekend, all the extraneous stuff that life drops on me is no reason to flop over and cry (see all last weeks post). But my lack of preparation for the (predicable) unscheduled life things has been been my scapegoat for eating badly and not trying.

This weekend I'll do my fat fighting home work (get house, fridge and mind clutter free and ready for a new week) and try a little fat exorcism.

Coffee with creamers
Pot of activia berry yogurt
Green tea latte with skim milk
1c oats, 2T protein powder & 1/2c berries
6 small shrimp
3/4c mixed rice
1.5c Caesar salad
2T taziki (sp?)
1 diet coke
1/3 c pumpkin custard

1 cup Eating Right CousCous lentil soup
4oz Ground Turkey (with Taco seasoning)
1.5 Mixed veggies sauted
1c wild rice
1/2c 1% cottage cheese
20 grapes

Tonight - gym, home, eat, read, sleep!


Anonymous said...

THAT sounds like a plan, I like it. Good food, getting things done, very nice.

And enjoy the read and sleep rest and relaxation are two aspects of this process I feel are best not to neglect.

To hell with that devl, soon enough you'll be past that mark of the beast and onward and upward towards great big numbers of beauty.

Have a great one!

Anonymous said...

for me the reading is so key to my unwinding and my not doing eat tv eat tv eat tv.

that too :)

Brightcetera said...

HAHAHA The sign of the beast marks your scale...OMG!
No wonder you've got your work cut out for you! LOL
Can you cook up some chicken breasts or boiled eggs as snacks to grab when you're feeling rushed and hungry when you get home from work? That's what I do when I'm working just to have something quick to munch on when I get home and I'm famished. The protein gives me energy unlike carbs and it never affects my weight. I have almonds on hand too.
That and a piece of fruit calms me and I can avoid "bad" foods.
Or cottage cheese and banana! which I finally tried and LOVE btw.
or plain yogurt and honey.
I think you like this stuff, right?

Anonymous said...

The sign of the devil ROFL. I love your humor. Sounds like you have a good plan in place. There are going to be roadblocks in this journey. Don't let them keep you from moving forward.

Green tea latte sounds yum-o

Mel said...

Planning ahead is SO key to this freakin' battle! I cook a meal or 2 for the week on either Saturday or Sunday.. I go to the gym after work during the week, which puts be home after 7pm usually.. and I never feel like cooking after.. so I've had to do with making meals on the weekend.

Does having the same dinners all week get boring?

yep - sure does!

But -- I'd rather have that then be Overweight any day!

Glad to see you get a plan of attack goin! You'll do great! (you ARE doing great!)

Amy on Track said...

Thought I'd throw in my 2 cents...Have you ever had your thyroid tested? Do you have any symptoms of PCOS? On my very first (or 2nd) post I have a link to the webmd overview of both these. They can really make losing weight harder.
Just a thought.

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Fat exorcism...LOL...I need that too! Wish I could just snap my fingers and it would be gone.

1LB to the Goal said...

Oh my goodness, I spit out my juice when I read that! Too funny!